SNITCH by Allison van Diepen

This book is similar to a book i have read because that book was My Bloody Life and that book talks about gangs and how the main character had to deal with that like in this book, Julia choosing to be there with gangs or to avoid them but they both can’t because where they live where there’s gangs and people around them join or are gang members. After the first chapter i felt like this book was going to be interesting since it started with many things happening at once. I would give Julia, the main character in the book advice about her joining the gang because now that i know that it wasn’t worth joining the gang because she joined just because of a guy she love and i would tell her to not join because being in a gang is more than what she thinks and just joining for a guy that she barely knows is not worth it and he might even get killed and she would just be in the gang like nothing because the person she joined for is not there no more and that’s the advice i would tell her. If i was a character in this book it will affect the plot because i would probably be Julia’s friend because she’s smart and does her work in school and has goals to go to college and I’m like that so i would be her friend and the whole story would change because i would not let her do things she did for example join the gang, be friends with Eric, also not mess around school. I have changed after reading this book by thinking that people join gangs because of problems they have and not just because they want to mess up their life.

One thought on “SNITCH by Allison van Diepen

  1. Patricia,
    It seems like you enjoyed the book! In your next post, it would be interesting to go more in-depth with your analysis and incorporate text evidence into your response.

    Ms. Engel

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